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FHIR Resources

The Resources module is a set of TypeScript objects representing FHIR Resources. They are 100% compatible with these FHIR types. If a resource object does not exist in Resources, you can use the FHIR types in the linked library instead.

The Resources in this package provide:

  • Constructor methods to help when constructing new instances of a resource
  • Static methods that are useful when working with a resource (string formatting, filtering, etc.)
import { Resources } from "@plasmahealth/plasma-fhir-client";

The Resources module is scoped by FHIR version. For example, Resources.r4.HumanName.

Constructing Resource Objects

When building the objects to use for creating new resources, you can construct any JSON object as long as it adheres to the specifications of that resource.

As a shortcut, the Resources package has constructor methods for some resources to make it easier to create a resource. For instance, the resourceType property (which is required) will be set automatically for you.

const familyMember = new Resources.r4.FamilyMemberHistory(patientId, "Father");

Resource-Specific APIs


// Get the address(es) that corresponds to the given "use"...
const addr = Resources.r4.Address.getAddressesByUse(patient.address, "home");
// Get a displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.Address.toString(address);
// Extracts the city from the address...
const city = Resources.r4.Address.getCity(address);
// Extracts the state from the address...
const state = Resources.r4.Address.getState(address);


// Construct an Age from a given quantity...
const age = Resources.r4.Age.fromQuantity(quantity);
// Construct an Age from a given number of years...
const age = Resources.r4.Age.fromYears(25);


// Constructor
const annotation = new Resources.r4.Annotation("My Annotation");


// Convert to displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.toString(attachment);
// Determine the content type of the attachment...


// Start a bundle...
let bundle = Resources.r4.Bundle.startBundle("batch");
// Add a write to a bundle...
bundle = Resources.r4.Bundle.addWriteToBundle(bundle, "create", myResource);
// Add a read to a bundle...
bundle = Resources.r4.Bundle.addReadToBundle(bundle, "Observation", { category: "laboratory" });
// Filter a bundle by resource type
const observations = Resources.r4.Bundle.filterBundleByResourceType<r4.Observation>(bundle, "Observation");
// Get all bundle resources in a dictionary with keys like "{resourceType}/{id}"
const dict = Resources.r4.Bundle.bundleEntriesToDictionary(bundle);


// Get token/auth URLs...
const tokenUrl = Resources.r4.CapabilityStatement.getTokenUrl(capabilityStatement);
const authUrl = Resources.r4.CapabilityStatement.getAuthorizeUrl(capabilityStatement);
// Get data about a given resource...
const resourceData = Resources.r4.CapabilityStatement.getResourceData(capabilityStatement, "AllergyIntolerance");
// Check if a FHIR Server supports a given resource...
const supportsResource = Resources.r4.CapabilityStatement.supportsResource(capabilityStatement, "AllergyIntolerance");
// Check if a FHIR Server supports a given search parameter for a resource...
const supportsSearchParam = Resources.r4.CapabilityStatement.supportsResource(capabilityStatement, "Patient", "general-practitioner");


// Create a CodeableConcept from a single Coding resource...
const cc = Resources.r4.CodeableConcept.fromSingleCoding(coding);
// Get a displayable string for this CodeableConcept...
const onlyFirstCode = true;
const sCC = Resources.r4.CodeableConcept.getDisplayText(cc, onlyFirstCode);
let cc = [....];

// Sort a CodeableConcept by the display text
cc = cc.sort(Resources.r4.CodeableConcept.sortByDisplayText);


// Constructor
const coding = new Resources.r4.Coding("system", "code", "display");
// Display as string
const s = Resources.r4.Coding.toString(coding);
// Filter codings by system or code...
const codes1 = Resources.r4.Coding.getCodingsBySystem(codings, "http://my-system");
const codes2 = Resources.r4.Coding.getCodingsByCode(codings, "12345-1");


// Display as string...
const s = Resources.r4.ContactPoint.toString(contactPoint);
// Get contact by system/use...
const contact = Resources.r4.ContactPoint.getContactPointBySystem(patient.telecom, "phone");
const contact = Resources.r4.ContactPoint.getContactPointByUse(patient.telecom, "home");


// Constructor...
const = new Resources.r4.DeviceDeviceName("name", "model-name");
// Get a displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.DeviceDeviceName.toString(deviceName);


// Create a document reference from the given text
const doc = Resources.r4.DocumentReference.createDocumentReferenceFromText(
"hello", patientId, "patient, name",
"final", "current", type, context
// Get all documents by the given status...
const d = Resources.r4.DocumentReference.getDocumentReferencesByStatus(docs, "current");


// Get instructions...
const instructions = Resources.r4.Dosage.getDosageInstructions(dosage);
// Get dose and rate in as a string...
const doseAndRate = Resources.r4.Dosage.getDoseAndRateDisplay(dosage);


// Convert to string...
const s = Resources.r4.DosageDoseAndRate.toString(dosageDoseAndRate);
// Get all where the type code matches..
const ddrs = Resources.r4.DosageDoseAndRate.getDosageDoseAndRateByTypeCode(dosageDoseAndRates, "ordered");


let encounters = [...];

// Sort encounters by start date...
encounters = encounters.sort(Resources.r4.Encounter.sort);


// Given a resource, searches for all extensions with the matching url...
const ext = Resources.r4.Extension.getExtensionByUrl(extensions, "http://...");
// Create an extension from a CodeableConcept...
const myCodeableConcept: r4.CodeableConcept = { ... }
const ext = Resources.r4.Extension.fromCodeableConcept("http://myurl", myCodeableConcept);
// Create a CodeableConcept extension from Coding Information...
const ext = Resources.r4.Extension.fromSingleCoding("http://myurl", "system", "code", "display");



Set of values for use as "Administrative Gender"


Set of values to be used for the relationship property in a FamilyMemberHistory


// Get a FamilyMemberHistoryCondition from a SNOMED code...
const c = Resources.r4.FamilyMemberHistoryCondition(code, display, text, ageOfOnset);


// Constructor
const flag = new Resources.r4.Flag(code, subject, "active");
// Get all flags with a given status...
const f = Resources.r4.Flag.getFlagsByStatus(flags, "active");


// Gets all names based on the given "use"...
const names = Resources.r4.HumanName.getNamesByUse(, "maiden");
const officialName = Resources.r4.Patient.getOfficialName(patient);

// Convert a name to a displayable string...
const options: HumanNameToStringOptions = {
includePrefix: true,
includeSuffix: false,
includeUse: false
const sName = Resources.r4.HumanName.toString(officialName, options);


// Get identifier by system...
const id = Resources.r4.Identifier.getIdentifierBySystem(patient.identifier, "urn:...");
// Get a displayable string...
const display = Resources.r4.Identifier.toString(patient.identifier[0]);


// Get displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.MedicationRequest.getDisplayableText(medicationRequest);
// Get number of refills
const numRefills: number | null = Resources.r4.MedicationRequest.getNumRefills(medicationRequest);


// Convert to string...
const s = Resources.r4.Money.toString(money);


// Convert to string...
const s = Resources.r4.Observation.toString(observation);
// Convert component to string...
const s = Resources.r4.Observation.getComponentValueDisplay(component);


// Convert to string...
const s = Resources.r4.OperationOutcome.toString(operationOutcome);


// Get the patient's "official" name...
const officialName = Resources.r4.Patient.getOfficialName(patient);
// Get the patient's "home" address...
const addrHome = Resources.r4.Patient.getHomeAddress(patient);
// Get patient's birthdate as a Date object
const birthDate = Resources.r4.Patient.getBirthDate(patient);
// Get patient's gender identity...
const genderIdentity = Resources.r4.Patient.getGenderIdentity(patient);
const genderIdentity = Resources.r4.Patient.patientGenderToGenderIdentity(patient.gender);


Set of values for use as "Gender Identity"


// Construct a Period from two strings...
const period = new Resources.r4.Period("2000-01-01", "2010-12-31");
// Get the start/end dates of the given Period...
const startDate = Resources.r4.Period.getStartDate(period);
const endDate = Resources.r4.Period.getEndDate(period);
// Construct a Period from a Range that represents an age...
const dobPeriod = Resources.r4.Period.fromAgeRange(age);
// Construct a Period from an age string...
const dobPeriod = Resources.r4.Period.fromAgeString("20's");
// Get a displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.Period.toString(period);


// Constructor...
const q = new Resources.r4.Quantity(3, "mg", "system", "code", ">");
// Get displayable string...
const sQuantity = Resources.r4.Quantity.toString(quantity);
// Get a quantity from a string...
const q = Resources.r4.Quantity.fromString("> 50 mg");
// Sort quantities...
let quantities = [...]
quantities = quantities.sort(Resources.r4.Quantity.sortByValueAscending);


// Construct a Range from a set of numbers...
const range = Resources.r4.Range.fromNumbers(25, 30);
// Construct a Range from a string...
const range = Resources.r4.Range.fromString("25 - 30");
// Construct a Range from an age string...
const r1 = Resources.r4.Range.fromAgeString("20's");
const r2 = Resources.r4.Range.fromAgeString("25-30");
// Get a displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.Range.toString(range); // 25-30
// Get a displayabe string for a Range that represents an Age...
const s = Resources.r4.Range.toAgeString(range); // 25-30y
// Sort ranges
let ranges = [...]

ranges = ranges.sort(Resources.r4.Range.sortByLowValue);
ranges = ranges.sort(Resources.r4.Range.sortByHighValue);


// Constructor...
const r = new Resources.r4.Ratio(1, 2);
// Get a displayable string...
const s = Resources.r4.Ratio.toString(ratio);


// Constructor
const ref = new Resources.r4.Reference("Patient/123", "John Smith");
// Create a reference to a resource
const patientRef = Resources.r4.Reference.createReference("Patient", "123", "John Smith");
// Convert to string...
const s = Resources.r4.Reference.toString(ref);
// Extract the resource type from the reference...
const resourceType = Resources.r4.Reference.getResourceFromReferenceString("Patient/123");
// Extract the ID from the reference...
const id = Resources.r4.Reference.getIdFromReferenceString("Patient/123");
// Determine if a given reference matches a given resource (if that Reference is a reference to the resource)
let r1: r4.Reference = new Resources.Reference("Patient/1");
let p1: r4.Patient = { resourceType: "Patient", id: "1" };
const isReference = Resources.r4.Reference.isReferenceToResource(r1, p1);
// Parse a reference string into parts (resource type, resource ID, version)
// Example formats:
// - Patient/123
// -
// -
const parts = Resources.r4.Reference.parse(s);