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The FHIRServerUtils module contains utility methods for discovering information about a FHIR server.


Returns the authorize URL for a given FHIR server.

const authorizeURL = FHIRServerUtils.getAuthorizeURL(baseURL);


Returns the token URL for a given FHIR server.

const tokenUrl = FHIRServerUtils.getTokenURL(baseURL);


Returns the URL of the "metadata" endpoint for a given FHIR server.

const url = FHIRServerUtils.getConformanceStatementURL(baseURL);


Returns the full "SMART Configuration" as a string

const smartConfiguration = await FHIRServerUtils.getSmartConfiguration(baseURL);


Returns the full "Conformance Statement" as a JSON object

const conformance = await FHIRServerUtils.getConformanceStatement(baseURL);


For a given FHIR resource, returns the search param that should be used to identify the patient, or null if one could not be found. You can also cache the "Conformance Statement" if you need to call this multiple times.

This is used by the PlasmaFHIRClient whenever you call readPatientResource.

const confStatement = {};
const searchParam = await FHIRServerUtils.getConformanceStatementPatientSearchParam(
baseURL, "Immunization", confStatement);


For a given FHIR server, returns data about the FHIR resources that are supported.

const conStatement = {};
const data = await FHIRServerUtils.getResourcesData(baseURL, confStatement);


Gets data about all search parameters for a given resource from the metadata (for a given FHIR server)

const conStatement = {};
const data = await FHIRServerUtils.getSearchParamsForResource(baseURL, "Patient", confStatement);


Gets data about all extensions for a given resource from the metadata (for a given FHIR server)

const conStatement = {};
const data = await FHIRServerUtils.getExtensionsForResource(baseURL, "Patient", confStatement);


Returns the FHIR version of the given server

const fhirVersion = FHIRServerUtils.getFHIRVersion(baseURL, confStatement);